Wednesday, 31 August 2011

independence day

All mankind are interdependent upon each other while they are living in this world. The day of independence is the day they die, where they have nobody to hang on to. Only their good deeds will be of any help to them in the other world.

Friday, 26 August 2011

say "cheese" and smile

selamat hari raya mood

After fasting for the whole month of Ramadhan all the Muslims are well prepared for the Aidulfitri, the first day of Shawal for the final breaking of fast.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

on the brink of downfall

Civilizations never stand still.

Europe and the West are on the brink of downfall.

While the East and the Islamic civilization are on the rising stage.

gratefulness & thankfulness

Nowadays all over the world  people are spiting into their own plate while they are eating. 

They are complaining and protesting while at the same time they are receiving numerous benefits from the governing authorities. 

Shall we burn the mosquito nets over our anger towards the mosquitoes?

majestic kinabalu

Living very close to this mountain, you are bound to see it at a very close range everyday. There is something about that mountain that make you feel you are very close to the Divine Creator.


the most expensive smile



you are my grandsons

Zayd & Muhammad Haikal: Inspirations for happiness.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

courtesy & hospitality

Courtesy and hospitality is a trademark of a civilization. Our world now is lacking in both, showing that our civilization is deteriorating. To revive the values we have to make efforts to enjoin the people to do the good deeds and forbid them from doing the bad deeds.   

Thursday, 18 August 2011

the children of Adam

All mankind are the grand grand grand children of Adam and Eve. They should remove all the hatred towards each other and start to live in harmony. There are enough resources available in this world for all of them if they inculcate the spirit of sharing.  

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

for every action there will be a reaction

The universal law of Allah is applicable to both worlds. Wrongdoers don't ever try to believe that they can just disappear into thin air after they died. The Day of Judgement was created to rectify the imbalance that had and would have occur in the present world.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

ramadhan & aidulfitri

If you lead your life in this world similar to the way you live during the month of Ramadhan, insyaAllah you will be entering the next world as if you are celebrating the first day of Shawal.   


Friday, 12 August 2011

dumarun & magadau

Dumarun is rain and magadau is drought in the Dusun language. These seasons would provide both blessing and menace to the resident of Kundasang. 

If it rained too much the water source would be clogged with sand and if  the drought came thieves would steal water from their supply both make their pipes run dry. Life's like that.

Maybe we have to learn how to collect rainwater. 

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

body & soul

The body is like a car and the soul is the driver. A car without a driver is useless, but a driver without a car he can still walk on his two feet. 

Now so much emphasize and effort was put in the development of the body forgetting about the soul. 

Underdeveloped soul is as dangerous as a drunk driver. 

Monday, 8 August 2011

tarap, bambangan & red durian

Some popular exotic fruits from Sabah need to be propagated to safeguard the heritage and avoid extinction and it could also be developed into commercially profitable plants. 

agayo po tinan om nunu po raladan

An advice from a Dusun elder to her offspring: "As you have attained adulthood you should be independent to seek your own livelihood and not to rely on the parents anymore."

Sunday, 7 August 2011

faithfulness and obedience

Absolute loyalty is not acquired through force or persuasion. It is the fruit of lengthy sacrifices on the part of the leaders.  

Loyal followers look at the trustworthiness  and dependency of a leader based on the  endless contributions, steadfastness, transparency, fair consistency, competence, persistence and  sound morality. 

Saturday, 6 August 2011


All human have the thirst for the absolute truth and nobody like to be lied upon even if he himself is a liar. 

The gem of truth will only be revealed to those  who seek with the sincerest of intent while  reevaluating past ingested sentiments and emotions.  

Friday, 5 August 2011

politeness and rudeness

Politeness is the root of all good deeds and rudeness is the root of all evil deeds.

the honesty issue

An honest person is worth his weight much more  than all the wealth in this world collected together in one place. 

He will perform his duties equally well, irrespective of the presence or absence of his boss, because he knew Allah is always watching.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

never say "i am broke" even though you are really broke

Only a miser will confess that he is broke. Actually there are millions of ways which are open to us to overcome the problem of cash flow. 

The thing that is not open is our mind and our self ego. One of the option is to be thrifty.

be patient with the most beautiful patience

When we deal with mankind, nothing will be accepted as 100% right. 

They are bound to be some people who will object to any ideas you have, no matter how good they are. 

Just be patient with the most beautiful patience.

smile is the best medicine

Whenever you are faced with complicated situations in your life , do continue to smile. Impatience will not get you anywhere. 

Patience is the only key to all success.


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